
It's been a while, because I had all kinds of overblown expectations of being able to offer the results in a range of formats, but I have to admit that a month in a developing country with only intermittent satellite internet has bested me.

Therefore, I've decided to release the results of the Perl Survey in PDF format for now, with the HTML version to follow as time permits.

Some points of interest:

  • 4% of the Perl community are women
  • Average salary for Perl programmers worldwide is $68,687 (USD equivalent)
  • 87% of Perl people are using 5.8.X at least some of the time; that means that 13% are still on 5.6.X or lower
  • 33% of respondents are members of their a Perl Mongers group
  • However, 27% of respondents don't participate in the Perl community at all (or at least not in any way that we asked about)

Find out all about this, and more, at the link above.

Also, the entire data set for the survey has been released under a Creative Commons license, and I'd like to encourage everyone to download it and play with it. A number of people have already contributed their own analyses of certain parts of the data.

I'd like to thank everyone involved for their help, and I hope that this information will be of use to the Perl community going forward.